Booking terms and conditions

Preset Tour

“MEET AND GREET” and “LUCA” are trade registered marks property of MEET AND GREET SRL (“Tour Operator”) licensed Travel Agency and Tour Operator in Rome, Vicolo San Celso, 1, 00186. Meet and Greet organizes and carries out the tours ( “Tour”) presented in this programme on the basis of the administrative authorization of the Rome Provincial Authority, SCIA dated 14.4.2017. The program conforms to the text established according to the D.L. 111/95, approved by EEC regulation no. 90/ 314.

By booking or participating in a Tour and any related products or services with the Tour Operator, you (“you”) agree to these Terms & Conditions (the “Terms”).

1. Notion of tourist package

a) the Legislative Decree no. 111 of 17.03.95, concerning the execution of the Directive 90/314/CE, for consumer protection states that both the organizer and the seller of the tourist package asked by the customer, must be licensed for carrying out their activities (art. 3/1, letter A, 111/95 Legislative Decree)

b) the customer has the right to receive a copy of the tourist package sale contract (in accordance with article 6 of the 111/95 Legislative Decree), which is the necessary document to apply for the Guarantee Fund in reference to article N. 26 of these general contract terms. The notion of “tourist package” (article 2/1 of 111/95 Legislative Decree) is the following: The objects of tourist packages are journeys, holidays and “allinclusive” circuits, resulting from the pre-established combination of at least two of the following elements, sold or offered for sale at a flat rate, whose length will exceed 24 hours, that is, at least one night: a) transportation; b) accommodation; c) tourist services not additional to transportation or accommodation (omissions)… which are an important part of the “tourist package”.

2. Legislative sources

Besides these general conditions, the sale contract of a tourist package is also regulated by the clauses pointed out in the journey documentation, given to the customer. This contract, concerning the arrangement of travel, holiday, and single tourist service sales, is also regulated by the Law of 27th Dec.1977 no. 1084, ratified and executed by the Travel Contract International Convention (CCV), subscribed on the 23rd April1970 in Bruxelles. In addition to the above mentioned CCV, the sale contract of a tourist package is also regulated by Legislative Decree n.111/95, emanated as an enforcement of the Directive n.90/314/CE concerning the journey, holidays, and “all-inclusive” circuits. Furthermore, the contract at distance signed by the consumer, for all the applications to the contracts for free time services, is subject to the Legislative Decree n. 185 of the 22nd of May 1999, concerning the “Implementation of the 97/7/CE directive about the consumer protection

in regard contract at distance”, and to the Legislative Decree n.70 of the 9th of April 2003 concerning the “Implementation of the 2000/31/CE directive about some juridical aspects of the information society in the home market, particularly referred to the e-commerce”

3. Booking

Booking can only be affected following the consumer acceptance of the general conditions of this contract. The contract is to be considered when the Tour Operator has confirmed the booking, with the relevant information, via e-mail, fax or by telephone. Specifications about the package or about a single tourist service are included in the notes and details of the offer (displayed before the contract subscription), or in other communication tools, as provided by the law in force. Please check your confirmation carefully and report any incorrect or incomplete information to the Tour. You must be at least 18 years of age to make a booking.

4. Booking on behalf of others

By booking on behalf of other participants, you are deemed to be the designated contact person for every participant included on that booking. This means that you are responsible for making all payments due in connection with your Tour booking, notifying the Tour Operator or your travel agent if any changes or cancellations are required and keeping your party informed. By booking on behalf of another person or persons, you represent and warrant that you have obtained all required consents. You are responsible for verifying that any information you provide on behalf of another participant is complete and accurate and the Tour Operator will under no circumstances be liable for any errors or omissions in the information provided to complete a booking.

5. Special requirements

Any special requirements must be disclosed to the Tour Operator at the time of booking. The Tour Operator will use reasonable efforts to accommodate special requirements or requests but this is not always possible given the nature of the destinations visited and availability of options outside a planned itinerary. Certain activities may be inaccessible to you if your mobility is limited in any way. All food allergies and dietary restrictions must be disclosed to the Tour Operator at the time of booking but the Tour Operator cannot guarantee that dietary needs or restrictions can be accommodated. Any special requests or requirements do not form part of these Terms or the contract between you and the Tour Operator and the Tour Operator is not liable for any failure to accommodate or fulfill such requests.

6. Age requirements

Anyone under the age of 18 on the date of first travel is considered to be a minor. Minors must always be accompanied by an adult. If the consent of a parent, guardian or any other person is required by applicable law for any minor to travel, the accompanying adult is responsible for securing all consents, documentation and ensuring that they and the minor(s) meet all legal requirements to travel, to enter into and depart from applicable

countries and regions. The Tour Operator will not be responsible for any fees, damages, or losses incurred as a result of any failure to secure necessary consents, permits, and approvals. Each adult on a booking with a minor or minor(s) is jointly and severally responsible for the behavior, wellbeing, supervision and monitoring of such minor(s), and jointly and severally accepts these Terms for and on behalf of any minor(s) on their booking, including all assumptions of risk and limitations of liability. The Tour Operator does not provide care services for minors and expressly disclaims any responsibility for chaperoning or controlling any minor(s).

7. Price

The price of the tourist package is fixed in the contract, in accordance with what has been written in the catalogue or brochure (on paper or electronic), or out-of-catalogue programme, or possible updates of the catalogues or the extracatalogue programs which might have been done afterwards. Extra expenses, such as compulsory fee to pay in loco, are always specified in the notes and details of the offer. Tours are priced and advertised inclusive of applicable taxes The price can be changed until 20 days before departure and only in case of variations of the following:

  1. (a) The price of the carriage of passengers resulting from the cost of fuel or other power sources;
  2. (b) The level of taxes or fees applicable to the holiday imposed by third parties not directly involved in the performance of the holiday, including tourist taxes, landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports;
  3. (c) The exchange rates relevant to the package.

Such variations could include any transport providers which are part of the Tour Operator’s contracts. You will be charged for the amount of any increase in accordance with this clause. However, if this means that you have to pay an increase of more than 8% of the price of your confirmed holiday (excluding any insurance premiums, amendment charges and/or additional services or travel arrangements), you will have the option of accepting a change to another holiday if the Tour Operator is able to offer one (if this is of equivalent or higher quality you will not have to pay more but if it is of lower quality you will be refunded the difference in price), or cancelling and receiving a full refund of all monies paid to the Tour Operator, except for any insurance premiums and any amendment charges and/or additional services or travel arrangements. Should you decide to cancel for this reason, you must exercise your right to do so within 7 days from the issue date printed on your final invoice. There will be no change made to the price of your confirmed holiday within 20 days of your departure. From time-to-time the Tour Operator may offer reduced pricing on certain products or services. Reduced pricing applies only to new bookings. Bookings where payment of at least a deposit has been received by the Tour Operator or its disclosed agent are not entitled to reduced pricing.

8. Payment

Full payment is due at the time of the booking. The Tour Operator is not responsible for any charges levied by third parties or financial institutions and payable by you as a result of credit card or other payment transactions and will not refund or return any fees charged

by third parties or financial institutions in connection with payments made by you to the Tour Operator.

9. Details required for booking

As a condition of booking, you must provide the information requested by the Tour Operator along with final payment. In the event that you fail to supply information required by the Tour Operator, the Tour Operator also reserves the right to treat your booking (or the relevant component of your booking) as cancelled and levy any cancellation fees deemed reasonable by the Tour Operator, in its sole discretion. The information required by the Tour Operator will be communicated to you or to the Tour Operator’s authorized agent during the booking process. The Tour Operator will not be held responsible for any fees you incur as a result of errors, omissions, inaccuracies, late, misplaced or otherwise incomplete information you have provided.

10. Cancellation by the participant before departure

You may cancel your booking by notifying the Tour Operator. Cancellation fees, if any, will be determined with reference to the date on which notice of cancellation is received by the Tour Operator and are expressed as a percentage of the total price paid for the cancelled Tour, product or service:

  • • cancellation received 45 working days or more before departure: 10% penalty will be charged
  • • cancellations made from 44 to 30 working days prior to departure: 40% of the payments will be held by us.
  • • cancellations made from 29 to 15 working days prior to departure: 70% of the payments will be held by us.
  • • cancellations made from 14 to departure: 100% of the payments will be held by us.

The cancellation charges above have been calculated as a genuine pre-estimate of the losses the Tour Operator would incur in the event you cancelled your holiday within the stipulated time period, taking into account the charges the Tour Operator will incur from its suppliers (some of which will be up to 100%). Important note: Certain arrangements may not be amended after they have been confirmed and any alteration or cancellation could incur a cancellation charge of up to 100% of that part of the arrangements in addition to the charge above. The Tour Operator will deduct the cancellation charge(s) from any monies you have already paid to the Tour Operator.

Cancellation by You due to “Unavoidable & Extraordinary Circumstances” You have the right to cancel your confirmed holiday before departure without paying a cancellation charge in the event of “unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances” occurring in Italy and significantly affecting the performance of the Tour. In these circumstances, the Tour Operator shall provide you with a full refund of the monies you have paid but will not be liable to pay you any additional compensation. Please note that your right to cancel in these circumstances will only apply where the Public Authorities has changed its advice to warn against travel to Italy after the date of your booking. For the purposes of this clause, “unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances” means warfare, acts of terrorism, significant risks to human health such as the outbreak of serious disease at the travel

destination or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions which make it impossible to travel safely to the travel destination.

11. Changes made by participant & transfer of booking

If you wish to change any part of your booking after our confirmation invoice has been issued, you must inform the Tour Operator in writing as soon as possible. This should be done by the first named person on the booking. You are responsible for ensuring that information provided to the Tour Operator is accurate and up to date. Any changes to your name on any booking are subject to the Tour Operator’s approval. Any changes to a booking depend on availability and are subject to the Tour Operator’s approval and these Terms. Any extra costs incurred for making the change will be charged to you along with an administrative fee and you should be aware that these costs could increase the closer to the departure date that changes are made. Cancellation of any Tour, product or service included in a booking will not be considered a change for purposes of this section and will be governed by the applicable cancellation terms. Administrative fee:

  • • up 45 days prior departure: no administrative fee will be charged
  • • from 44 working to 11 days prior departure: € 100,00 per passenger will be charged
  • • No changes are permitted to any booking within 10 days of departure

Transfer of booking: If you or any member of your party is prevented from travelling, that person(s) may transfer their place to someone else, subject to the following conditions: a) that person is introduced by you and satisfies all the conditions applicable to the holiday; b) the Tour Operator is notified not less than 7 days before departure; c) you pay any outstanding balance payment, an amendment fee of EUR€ 100 per person transferring, as well as any additional fees, charges or other costs arising from the transfer; and d) the transferee agrees to these booking conditions and all other terms of the contract between us. You and the transferee remain jointly and severally liable for payment of all sums. If you are unable to find a replacement, cancellation charges as set out in clause 10 will apply in order to cover our estimated costs. Otherwise, no refunds will be given for passengers not travelling or for unused services. Important note: Certain arrangements may require a longer notice period or may not be amended or transferred after they have been confirmed and any alteration could incur a cancellation charge of up to 100% of that part of the arrangements.

12. Guaranteed departures, changes & cancellation of a tour by the Tour Operator

A departure date for a Tour offered by the Tour Operator will become a guaranteed departure when at least one booking secured by a valid deposit has been made on that departure. The Tour Operator guarantees that all scheduled Tour departures booked and fully paid will depart as indicated on the applicable confirmation, subject to reasonable itinerary changes as described in these Terms or good faith health and safety concerns. This guarantee is not applicable in the case of Force Majeure. Up to date Tour and itinerary information is available on the Tour Operator’s website or by contacting the Tour Operator. Brochures and other printed materials displaying Tour information and departure dates are subject to change and may not be relied upon for purposes of this

guarantee. If the Tour Operator makes an insignificant change to your holiday, it will make reasonable efforts to inform you or your travel agent as soon as reasonably possible if there is time before your departure but will have no liability to you for failing to inform you or your travel agent. Examples of insignificant changes include, change of accommodation to another of the same or higher standard (where specific accommodation was identified to you), changes of railway carriers. Occasionally the Tour Operator may have to make a significant change to your confirmed arrangements. Examples of “significant changes” include the following, when made before departure: (a) A change in accommodation area for the whole or a significant part of your time away. (b) A change of accommodation to that of a lower standard or classification for the whole or a significant part of your time away. (c) A significant change to your itinerary, missing out one or more destination entirely. If the Tour Operator has to make a significant change or cancel, it will tell you as soon as possible and if there is time to do so before departure, will offer you the choice of: (a) For significant changes) accepting the changed arrangements; or (b) Having a refund of all monies paid; or (c) Accepting an offer of alternative travel arrangements of comparable or higher standard if available (at no extra cost); or (d) If available, accepting an offer of alternative arrangements of a lower standard, with a refund of the price difference between the original arrangements and the alternative arrangements. You must notify the Tour Operator of your choice within 7 days of the offer. If the Tour Operator does not hear from you within 7 days, it will contact you again to request notification of your choice. If you fail to respond again within 3 days the Tour Operator will assume that you have chosen to accept the change or alternative booking arrangements. Once a Tour has departed, itinerary changes may be necessary as a result of unforeseen circumstances, operational concerns, or concerns for your health, safety, enjoyment or comfort. Any changes are at the discretion of the Tour Operator. You acknowledge that you must have reasonable financial resources to cover incidental expenses during all travel with the Tour Operator, whether or not such expenses arise from a change of itinerary, and the Tour Operator is not liable for your failure to prepare adequately for travel and unforeseen circumstances which may arise during travel. The Tour Operator will not be liable for any indirect and or consequential losses associated with any changes to a booking or itinerary.

Compensation In addition to a full refund of all monies paid for the cancelled Tour by you, the Tour Operator will pay you reasonable compensation in the following circumstances: – If the Tour Operator makes a significant change less than 60 days before your departure date (or 90 days for Expedition Tours) and you do not accept the changed arrangements and cancel your booking; or – If the Tour Operator cancels your booking and no alternative arrangements are available.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Tour Operator will not pay you compensation in the following circumstances: – Where the Tour Operator makes an insignificant change; – Where the Tour Operator makes a significant change or cancels your arrangements more than 60 days before your departure (or 90 days for Expedition Tours); – Where the Tour Operator makes a significant change and you accept those changed arrangements or you accept an offer of alternative travel arrangements; – Where the Tour Operator has to cancel your arrangements as a result of your failure to make full payment on time; – Where the change or cancellation by the Tour Operator arises out of alterations to the confirmed booking

requested by you; or – Where the Tour Operator is forced to cancel or change your arrangements due to Force Majeure. If the Tour Operator becomes unable to provide a significant proportion of the arrangement that you have booked with Tour Operator after you have departed, we will, if possible, make alternative arrangement for you at no extra charge and where those alternative arrangements are of a lower standard, provide you with an appropriate price reduction.

13. Travel documents

It is your responsibility to obtain information and to have in your possession all the required documentation and identification required for entry, departure and travel to each country or region. This includes a valid passport and all travel documents required by the relevant governmental authorities including all visas, permits and certificates (including but not limited to vaccination or medical certificates) and insurance policies. You accept full responsibility for obtaining all such documents, visas and permits prior to the start of the Tour, and you are solely responsible for the full amount of costs incurred as a result of missing or defective documentation. You agree that you are responsible for the full amount of any loss or expense incurred by the Tour Operator that is a direct result of your failure to secure or be in possession of proper travel documentation. The Tour Operator does not provide advice on travel documents and makes no representations or warrantees as to the accuracy or completeness of any information provided on visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, baggage, or special equipment and you agree that the Tour Operator is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this information.

14. Flexibility & unused services

You acknowledge that the nature of adventure travel requires flexibility and acknowledge that you will permit reasonable alterations to products, services or itineraries by the Tour Operator. The route, schedules, accommodations, activities, amenities and mode of transportation are subject to change without notice due to unforeseeable circumstances or events outside the control of the Tour Operator (including but not limited to Force Majeure, illness, mechanical breakdown, flight cancellations, strikes, political events and entry or border difficulties). No reimbursements, discounts or refunds will be issued for services that are missed or unused after departure due to no fault of the Tour Operator, including your removal from a Tour because of your negligence or breach of these Terms.

15. Prompt assistance

If, whilst you are on holiday, you find yourself in difficulty for any reason, the Tour Operator will offer you such prompt assistance as is appropriate in the circumstances. In particular, the Tour Operator will provide you with appropriate information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance, and assistance with distance communications and finding alternative travel arrangements. Where you require assistance which is not owing to any failure by the Tour Operator, our employees or sub-contractors, the Tour Operator will not be liable for the costs of any alternative travel arrangements or other such assistance you require. The Tour Operator reserves the right

to charge you a fee for its assistance in the event that the difficulty is caused intentionally by you or a member of your party, or otherwise through your or your party’s negligence.

16. Participants obligations

The participant will have to follow ordinary cautiousness and diligence rules, and specific rules effective in the destination countries, all the information supplied by the organizer, as well as the regulations and administrative and/or legislative provisions regarding the tourist package. The participants will be asked to answer for all the damage suffered by the organizer because of their incapacity to follow the above-mentioned obligations. The customer must provide the organizer with all the documents, the information and the elements owned by himself, which might be useful for exercising the subrogation right of the latest towards third parties, responsible for the damage. The customer is held responsible by the organizer for the detriment of the subrogation right. At the moment of the booking, the customer will also communicate, in writing, to the organizer the details needed which might possibly be part of specific agreements, such as journey instructions, provided their accomplishment is possible.

17. Responsibility

The Tour Operator is responsible for the damage caused to the customer because of the total or partial default of the services described in the contract, either if these are performed by himself or third-party suppliers, unless he proves that the event depends on the customer (including initiatives taken by himself independently, during the execution of tourist services), or on events not linked with the supply of the services described in the contract, fortuitous events, act of God, or by circumstances that the organizer itself might not reasonably foresee or solve, on the basis of a principle of professional care. If booking is made through a travel agency under no circumstances will the seller receiving the booking of the tourist package answer for the obligations coming from the travel organization. However, the seller is solely responsible for the obligations coming from its intermediary activity, in conformity with the responsibility limits fixed by the above-mentioned laws or conventions. Tour Operator, is also responsible for the privacy of the consumer data as per art 25 exclusively when these arrive on the database and not during their transmission.

18. Compensation limits

Under no circumstances, the organizer compensation will be higher than the compensation indemnities described by international conventions, with reference to the performances whose non-fulfillment caused the responsibility, that is the Warsaw Convention of 1929 about international air transportation, the text modified at The Hague in 1955; the Berna Convention (CIV) about railway transportation; the Bruxelles Convention of 1970 (CCV) about the organizer responsibility. In any case, the compensation limit cannot exceed the sum of 2,000 Germinal gold francs for property damage, fixed in article 13 no. 2 CCV, and 5,000 Germinal gold francs for any other damage”, as well as for those fixed in art.1783 of Civil Code. In case of the change of these

conventions, or formulation of international new ones concerning the services objects of the tourist package, the indemnity limits will be applied according to the law in force at the moment of the unfortunate event.

19. Complaints and charges

Every unsuccessful execution of the contract must be notified by the customer on the very moment of its happening. In this way, the organizer or its local representative can immediately find a remedy for it. The customer can make a complaint by sending a registered letter, with receipt note, to the organizer, within 10 working days from the date of the return to the place of the departure. If complaints happen in the execution place of the tourist services, the organizer has to assist the costumer according to art.15 in order to find a prompt an equal solution. In the same way, even in case of complaint reported at the end of the service, the organizer will have to provide and guarantee in any case a prompt answer to the customer request.

20. Insurance

In case an insurance is not explicitly included in the price, it is possible before departure, and it is recommended to take out special insurance policies covering expenses deriving from the cancellation of the tourist package, illnesses, accidents and lost luggage.

21. Optional extra

“Optional Extras” refers to any activity, transportation, meal, product or service not expressly included in the Tour itinerary or price of the Tour and which does not form part of the Tour. You agree that any assistance given by the Tour Operator’s representative(s) in arranging, selecting, or booking, any Optional Extras is purely at your request and the Tour Operator makes no warranties and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever arising from participation in Optional Extras or any information provided by any representative of the Tour Operator regarding any Optional Extras. You release the Tour Operator from all claims and causes of action arising from any damages, loss of enjoyment, inconvenience, or injuries related to or arising from participation in or booking of Optional Extras.

You acknowledge and agree that any liability for loss, damages, death, personal injury, illness, emotional distress, mental suffering or psychological injury or loss of or damage to property associated with Optional Extras is the sole responsibility of the third party providing that service or activity.

22. Force Majeure

Except where otherwise expressly stated in these Terms, the Tour Operator will not be liable or pay you compensation if its contractual obligations to you are affected by “unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances” meaning any event beyond the Tour Operator’s control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. Examples include warfare and acts of terrorism (and threat thereof), civil strife, labor difficulties, interference by authorities, political disturbance, significant risks to human health such as the outbreak of serious disease at

the travel destination or natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes or weather conditions which make it impossible to travel safely to the travel destination or remain at the travel destination, the act of any government or other national or local authority including port or river authorities, industrial dispute, lock closure, natural or nuclear disaster, fire, chemical or biological disaster, unavoidable technical problems with transport and all similar events outside the Tour Operator’s or the supplier(s) concerned’s control.

23. Covid-19

We both acknowledge the ongoing COVID-19 global crisis and accept our obligations to comply with any official guidance from governments or local authorities, both at home and in Italy. Please note that we will have no liability for any refunds, compensation, costs, expenses or other losses of any kind incurred by you (including, where applicable, the cost of medical treatment), in the following circumstances: • If you, or anyone in your booking party, test positive for COVID-19 and have to quarantine for a period of time, or are notified or otherwise become aware that you have, or suspect you may have, come into close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 (or where they otherwise suspect they may have COVID-19) and have to self-isolate for a period of time.

If this happens within 14 days of your departure date, you must contact us as you may no longer be able to travel. We will offer you the following options where possible and subject to availability: • Postponing your holiday to a later date. We will notify you of any impact on the price the postponement may have (please note that you may have to pay full cancellation charges on some elements of your holiday, such as the flight, as well any increase in cost imposed by other suppliers); • We reserve the right to cancel your holiday, in which case we reserve the right to impose our standard cancellation charges as at the date of cancellation by you.

If this happens while you are on your holiday, please notify us without delay and we will provide such reasonable assistance as we can in the circumstances. However, we will not be responsible for covering the cost of any curtailment of your Tour, missed transport arrangements, additional accommodation required, or other associated costs incurred by you.

You acknowledge that the suppliers providing your Tour, including hotels and excursion providers, will need to comply with national and/or local guidance and requirements relating to Covid-19, and have implemented certain measures as a result. This will likely include specific requirements regarding personal protective equipment, such as use of face-masks by staff (and you may be required to wear a face-mask as well), social distancing, maximum number restrictions on the use of certain facilities, designated alternative entrance and exit routes, mandatory hand sanitization, limited entertainment options and limited food/drink availability. We do not expect these measures to have a significant impact on your enjoyment of the holiday and all measures will be taken with the purpose of securing your safety and those around you.

24. Images and Marketing

You agree that, while participating in any Tour, images, photos or videos may be taken by other participants, the Tour Operator or its representatives that may contain or feature you. You consent to any such pictures being taken and grants a perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide, irrevocable license to the Tour Operator, its contractors, sub-contractors and assigns, to reproduce for any purpose whatsoever (including marketing, promotions and the creation of promotional materials by or with sub-licensees), in any medium whatsoever, whether currently known or hereinafter devised, without any further obligation or compensation payable to you.

25. Privacy Policy

The Tour Operator must collect your personal information to deliver the Tour and any products or services booked. The Tour Operator collects, uses and discloses only that information reasonably required to enable the Tour Operator and its Third Party Suppliers to provide the particular Tour, products and/or services that you have requested as described in the Tour Operator’s Privacy Policy, which can be accessed any time at is expressly incorporated into these Terms. By submitting any personal information to the Tour Operator, you indicate your acceptance of the Tour Operator’s Privacy Policy.

26. Guarantee Fund

In case of insolvency or bankruptcy of the organizer, the customer can turn to the “National Guarantee Fund For the Consumer of the Tourist Package”, in accordance with the Ministerial Regulation n.349 of the 23 July 1999 for the achievement of the following needs :

a) refund of the price paid for services entirely or partially not enjoyed;

b) repatriation, in case of journeys to foreign countries.

c) an immediate economic availability in case of forced return of tourists from non-EC members, on occasion of emergencies due or not due to the organizer’s behaviour.

The procedure to make use of the Fund are fixed by means of the President of the Council of Ministers Decree , in conformity with art. 21 no. 5, Legislative Decree 111/95).

27. Place of jurisdiction / arbitration clause

All disputes between the two parties in connection with this Contract shall take place in the Court of Rome, Italy. With one accord it could be foreseen that the controversies from the application, interpretation, contract execution, will be up to an Arbitration Tribunal, composed by the same amount of designed arbiters as the number of parties in cause plus one as President nominated by the designed arbiters, that is, in absence of the Tribunal President, where the organizer is legally located. The Arbitration Board located in the organizer legal office will ritually decide according to the law, prior an eventual tentative of reconciliation.